Securing AI: National Security Agency Launches Artificial Intelligence Security Center

The National Security Agency (NSA) is making significant strides in safeguarding the United States' defense and intelligence systems against emerging threats. In response to the increasing acquisition, development, and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, the NSA has announced the establishment of an Artificial Intelligence Security Center. This center will be integrated into the NSA's Cybersecurity Collaboration Center, where it collaborates with industry and international partners to fortify the defense-industrial base. With a focus on countering threats from adversaries such as China and Russia, the NSA aims to maintain the country's AI advantage and ensure the secure development and adoption of AI within national security systems and the defense industrial base.

The Importance of AI Security

Understanding the significance of securing AI in defense and intelligence systems.

As AI capabilities continue to advance and become integrated into defense and intelligence systems, ensuring their security becomes paramount. The establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Security Center by the NSA highlights the importance of safeguarding these technologies against potential threats.

With adversaries like China and Russia actively pursuing cyber operations and targeting government and industrial entities, the need for robust AI security measures is evident. By proactively addressing this challenge, the NSA aims to protect the country's defense-industrial base and maintain its AI advantage.

The Role of the Artificial Intelligence Security Center

Exploring the objectives and functions of the newly established AI security center.

The Artificial Intelligence Security Center will be incorporated into the NSA's Cybersecurity Collaboration Center, which already collaborates with industry and international partners to strengthen the defense-industrial base. This integration allows for a comprehensive approach to AI security, leveraging foreign intelligence insights and contributing to the development of best practices and risk frameworks.

Working closely with U.S. industry, national labs, academia, and the Department of Defense, the AI security center aims to promote the secure development and adoption of AI within national security systems. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the center will play a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by AI in the defense sector.

Human Decision-Making in AI

Understanding the balance between AI assistance and human decision-making.

While AI technologies provide valuable assistance in analyzing threat vectors and red-flag alerts, it is important to note that human decision-making remains crucial. The NSA emphasizes that AI is a tool that aids humans in their decision-making processes, rather than replacing them entirely.

By maintaining a human-in-the-loop approach, the NSA ensures that critical decisions are made by individuals who can consider various factors beyond what AI algorithms can analyze. This balance between AI assistance and human judgment is essential in leveraging the benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks.

Collaboration with Industry and International Partners

Highlighting the importance of collaboration in addressing AI security challenges.

The AI security center will work closely with U.S. industry, national labs, academia, and the Department of Defense to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. This collaborative approach is crucial in addressing the complex and evolving challenges posed by AI security.

Furthermore, international partnerships will play a significant role in countering global threats. By working with allies and partners, the NSA aims to deter and mitigate any attempts to influence elections or disrupt critical infrastructure through AI-driven cyber operations.


The establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Security Center by the National Security Agency reflects the growing recognition of the importance of securing AI in defense and intelligence systems. With adversaries like China and Russia actively targeting government and industrial entities, it is crucial to have robust AI security measures in place. By leveraging collaboration with industry and international partners, the NSA aims to protect the country's defense-industrial base and ensure the secure development and adoption of AI within national security systems.


What is the role of the Artificial Intelligence Security Center?

The Artificial Intelligence Security Center will be integrated into the NSA's Cybersecurity Collaboration Center and will contribute to the development of best practices, risk frameworks, and guidelines for AI security. It will also leverage foreign intelligence insights and work closely with industry, national labs, academia, and the Department of Defense to promote the secure development and adoption of AI within national security systems.

How does human decision-making factor into AI security?

While AI technologies provide assistance in analyzing threats, human decision-making remains essential. The NSA emphasizes that AI is a tool that aids humans in their decision-making processes, and critical decisions will ultimately be made by humans who can consider factors beyond what AI algorithms can analyze.

Why is collaboration important in addressing AI security challenges?

Collaboration with industry, national labs, academia, and international partners is crucial in addressing the complex and evolving challenges of AI security. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the NSA aims to leverage collective expertise and resources to mitigate global threats and ensure the secure development and adoption of AI.